Thursday, August 13, 2015

Garage Project Update

I completed this a couple months ago. I just didn't get to posting it. Check out the other posting if you want to know what this is updating.  Of course, I updated the GUI, so it isn't just "Big Door", "Little Door" and made the app a little more robust. It remembers the last Bluetooth device, so pairing is a little more automatic. The change to the GUI allows users to click on the door they want open, and it opens. Someday, I may put in sensors so the GUI could show the current state of the doors (so when I go to bed, I can look, and know if I left any doors open). The app inventor project is at this link.

 I re-did the wiring in the garage as well. I used to have a spiderweb in the ceiling with droopy wires from the access door to the openers. Who ever installed the openers or the wiring must have run out of staples, and there were like 3 for the two openers. Now all the wiring goes through the attic, with the central wiring on a barrier strip.

The sketch I didn't change, but I noticed I didn't upload that either. I'll give that a go as well. The sketch isn't doing anything really complex. It is still based on ardudroid.

 PROJECT: Garage 
 PROGRAMMER: T Brusehaver
 DATE: May 31, 2015
 FILE: garage.ino
 LICENSE: Public domain

#define START_CMD_CHAR '*'
#define END_CMD_CHAR '#'
#define DIV_CMD_CHAR '|'
#define CMD_TEXT 12
#define MAX_COMMAND 20  // max command number code. used for error checking.
#define MIN_COMMAND 10  // minimum command number code. used for error checking. 
#define PIN_HIGH 3
#define PIN_LOW 2

String inText;

void setup() {
  Serial.println("Garage By T. Brusehaver (2015)");

void loop()
  int ard_command = 0;
  int pin_num = 0;
  int pin_value = 0;

  char get_char = ' ';  //read serial

  // wait for incoming data
  if (Serial.available() < 1) return; // if serial empty, return to loop().

  // parse incoming command start flag 
  get_char =;
  if (get_char != START_CMD_CHAR) return; // if no command start flag, return to loop().

  // parse incoming command type
  ard_command = Serial.parseInt(); // read the command
  // parse incoming pin# and value  
  pin_num = Serial.parseInt(); // read the pin
  pin_value = Serial.parseInt();  // read the value
  Serial.print("Ard_command ");
  Serial.print("  Pin=");
  Serial.print("  Val=");

  if (ard_command == CMD_TEXT){   
    inText =""; //clears variable for new input   
    while (Serial.available())  {
      char c =;  //gets one byte from serial buffer
      if (c == END_CMD_CHAR) { // if we the complete string has been read
        // add your code here
      else {
        if (c !=  DIV_CMD_CHAR) {
          inText += c; 

  // 2) GET digitalWrite DATA FROM ARDUDROID
  if (ard_command == CMD_DIGITALWRITE){  
    if (pin_value == PIN_LOW) pin_value = LOW;
    else if (pin_value == PIN_HIGH) pin_value = HIGH;
    else return; // error in pin value. return. 
    set_digitalwrite( pin_num,  pin_value);  // Uncomment this function if you wish to use 
    return;  // return from start of loop()

  // 3) GET analogWrite DATA FROM ARDUDROID
  if (ard_command == CMD_ANALOGWRITE) {  
    analogWrite(  pin_num, pin_value ); 
    // add your code here
    return;  // Done. return to loop();

  if (ard_command == CMD_READ_ARDUDROID) { 
    // char send_to_android[] = "Place your text here." ;
    // Serial.println(send_to_android);   // Example: Sending text
    Serial.print(" Analog 0 = "); 
    Serial.println(analogRead(A0));  // Example: Read and send Analog pin value to Arduino
    return;  // Done. return to loop();

// 2a) select the requested pin# for DigitalWrite action
void set_digitalwrite(int pin_num, int pin_value)
  switch (pin_num) {
  case 13:
    pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(13, pin_value);  
    // add your code here      
  case 12:
    pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(12, pin_value);   
    // add your code here       
  case 11:
    pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(11, pin_value);         
    // add your code here 
  case 10:
    pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(10, pin_value);         
    // add your code here 
  case 9:
    pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(9, pin_value);         
    // add your code here 
  case 8:
    pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
    //digitalWrite(8, pin_value);
    // add your code here 
    digitalWrite(8, HIGH);   // sets the LED on
    delay(1000);                  // waits for a second
    digitalWrite(8, LOW);    // sets the LED off
  case 7:
    pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
    //digitalWrite(7, pin_value);         
    // add your code here 
    digitalWrite(7, HIGH);   // sets the LED on
    delay(1000);                  // waits for a second
    digitalWrite(7, LOW);    // sets the LED off
  case 6:
    pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(6, pin_value);         
    // add your code here 
  case 5:
    pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(5, pin_value); 
    // add your code here       
  case 4:
    pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(4, pin_value);         
    // add your code here 
  case 3:
    pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(3, pin_value);         
    // add your code here 
  case 2:
    pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(2, pin_value); 
    // add your code here       
    // default: 
    // if nothing else matches, do the default
    // default is optional

The relays are connected to the Arduino using an NPN transistor. One relay each on pins 7 and 8. The power supply is my old Motorola Razr charger (mini USB). The HC05 is connected using the TX and RX serial pins, so they need to be disconnected if connecting to the USB port to program the Arduino. Also Have a look at the Ardudriod page for the resistors and 3.3V connection. (Don't try 5V and don't forget the resistor on the RX pin). Remember the module is receiving on RX but sending to the TX pin.

There have been a few things I don't like about it, but overall it is serving it's purpose. Pairing basic HC05 modules with and Arduino isn't as quick or automatic as I'd like it to be. Of course, sometimes the signal is going through an aluminium door on the way to the module, so I can't blame anything but circumstances.

If you are thinking of trying this yourself, I recommend it. If nothing else, this is a good place to start.

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